‘Celebrity Apprentice’ Recap: Nene Leaves & Meatloaf Has An Emotional Breakdown!

The show had to begin by addressing the conflict between Nene Leakes and Star Jones from last week, but Nene claimed they “couldn’t work it out,” so Donald decided to have Nene and Meatloaf switch teams.
The first of two challenges was to promote and sell tickets to a comedy show. The teams are now: John Rich, Lil’ John, Layota Jackson, and Nene vs. Meatloaf, Marlee Matlin, and Star.
Star pulled some strings to get Tracy Morgan to make a video appearance. LaToya wanted to make a big splash as team leader because it was her first time on the boy’s team and also her first week back since begging Donald to let her back on the show.
Nene disappeared for no reason other than that she just wanted to “be alone,” and Ivanka Trump expressed her disappointment in the lack of participation. After multiple unanswered calls, Nene sent a text to LaToya saying that she couldn’t stand the negative working environment of the show, so she needed to quit for good.
John pulled strings for his team with his friend, Jimmy Fallon, who agreed to do a bit for the comedy show.
Despite Meatloaf’s weirdness and constant crying throughout the episode, his stage presence was awesome. He really pulled through even though his teammates had low expectations. Marlee’s comedy segment was hilarious from what the TV audience could tell, but it was so heavily edited that it left us wanting more.
Best quote of the episode: “If you don’t offend people, then you probably aren’t funny”- Tracy Morgan
LaToya’s team did a great job too, especially when Jimmy Fallon came out and performed, in which he sang a song he wrote called “You’re fired!” He even brought a check for $10,000 to charity and managed to reference Omarosa during the song.
During the board meeting, Meatloaf cried AGAIN, and basically begged for Donald to give his charity money even if his team didn’t win. Donald reminded him that even though the show is about charity, it is more about winning. Marlee stood behind the ‘loaf and said he was a vital team member.
LaToya took an equally impartial stance and vouched that both her team members, John and Lil’ John worked equally.


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