How do You Become a Navy Seal?

 The Navy Seals are the new national heroes after taking down Osama Bin Laden. But how do you go from being a common member of the Navy to an elite Navy Seal? Well, according to one report, you go through hell.
The New York Daily News reports that would-be Seals go through a hellish six-month training program known as the Basic Underwater Demolition School/SEAL (BUD/S) at the Naval Special Warfare training center in California. 70% of recruits drop out in the first few weeks.
"They get most of the quitters out first, and then they teach you how to be a Seal," said Stew Smith, 42, who was a Navy Seal from 1991-99.
Recruits are forced to swim and crawl through mud for hours, as well endure hypothermia and sleep deprivation.
"You have to be physically and mentally tough," said ex-Seal Dick Couch.
The first two weeks are relatively easy, if you can believe it. What is known as "Hell Week" starts after that.
For five days, the recruits are subjected to what the News calls "a soul-crushing series of workouts," swimming for miles in freezing, rough surf -- in full gear.
"You run, you paddle boats, carry boats -- it never stops," Smith said. "You're wet, sandy and tired -- and you don't sleep."
Well, that's not exactly accurate -- over the five days, they are given a total of four hours of sleep.
Ex-Seal Marcus Luttrell wrote about Hell Week in his book "Lone Survivor."
Guys collapsed onto the sand, others just stood there ... too many of them wondering how they could possibly go on. Including me. Knees were buckling. Joints throbbing. I don't think anyone could stand up without hurting.
Those who survive Hell Week go onto receive further training and are minted as Navy Seals.
"If you can make it through, you will never quit at anything else again," Smith said.


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