Lady Gaga's 'Judas' video leaks: Leather, Mary Magdalene, foot washing and dance galore

 Patience is a virtue, unless Lady Gaga is involved.
For the last week-plus, E! has been touting its exclusive premiere of Gaga’s new video, “Judas,” set to be broadcast at 7 p.m. Thursday. But when does a timed release ever go according to schedule? On Thursday morning, Gaga's fans were treated to the video in full when a leaked copy spread throughout the Internet.
The clip for “Judas” -- like all things Gaga -- is sure to cause a firestorm, as it tells a Gaga-esque re-imagining of Judas Iscariot’s betrayal of Jesus with the singer as Mary Magdalene. Her version, however, opens with Christ (wearing a modern gold crown, and cornrows) and his Apostles channeling “Sons of Anarchy” as they cruise down a Los Angeles freeway on motorcycles and in leather regalia. Loads of religious imagery follows, including an interesting take on foot washing and, of course,  plenty of gyrations
“Judas” was directed by Gaga and her creative director-choreographer, Laurieann Gibson. We caught up with Gibson to talk about her continued work with the singer and her reality show, which airs on, you guessed it, folks, E! Gibson directed the video, which was filmed in early April at Universal Studios Hollywood. She promised that “Judas” would be just as controversial as anything she's done before.
“I've been waiting my whole life [for this]. I'm really blown away by it,” Gibson said. “You might cry, and not for the visual content, well you might because the visual is beautiful, but [fans will] be proud. It’s almost like the struggle is over. It was amazing.”
Gibson admitted there was some resistance from Gaga’s label for her to direct the clip; it’s only the second video she’s directed (she helmed Keri Hilson’s “The Way You Love Me”).
“What I learned was dealing with people that doubt my process. Or don’t understand that I’m capable of directing. I know you’re nervous, I understand,” she laughs. “You’re looking at me like, ‘It’s a bigger artist, it’s more money.’ But you forgot, I’ve been here since Day 1. I’m really proud of it.”
Gaga has called the filming and directing of the video "the most exciting artistic moment of my career. It's the greatest work we've done."


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