Donald Trump rides GOP obsession with Obama's birth certificate to another day in front of cameras

The one who's not one of us is Donald Trump - not Barack Obama.
Take him seriously, because he asks to be taken seriously about a profoundly serious matter: Trump says he's considering a run for President of the United States, and he helicoptered to New Hampshire in service of his cause.
He appears to believe he can ride the energy of those in the Republican Party who are dead certain Obama occupies the White House illegitimately in that, they are absolutely convinced, he was born elsewhere.
Take Trump seriously again: According to the polls, the birthers have swooned, and senior Republicans who ought to know a whole lot better have fanned the frenzy.
Like every burp and scratch on the modern political scene, Trump's declamations and Obama's release yesterday of his "long-form" State of Hawaii birth certificate will go up on the scoreboard of instant winners and losers in the Making of the President 2012.
Trump Tops Obama by Forcing Prez to Produce Birth Certificate He Owed the American Public.
Obama One-ups Trump, Casts Republicans as Crazy People By Good-naturedly Posting Certificate on the Internet.
It's a sad spectacle, one boding ill for the majority of Americans who are geared up for a debate over economic policy and the very role of the U.S. government and instead find themselves prisoners in Trump's la-la land.


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